Wednesday, 23 July 2008

turning the tables

Well, it's been a bit quiet on the blog front recently, mainly due to lots going on work-wise, but that doesn't mean we've been slacking off. The messiness of the deck is generally a good indicator of how much we're doing: it's looking good at the moment.

One thing we've tackled recently is the table on the back deck. It came with the boat, and was looking old and tired, with the unprotected wood silvery and beginning to be water damaged.

We sanded the pieces of wood down and oiled them, (reallising that this grey, uninspiring wood was actually really nice hardwood, maybe teak or mahogany?):

and finally painted the metalwork with black hammerite:

before putting it all back together and finishing it off with a coat of varnish. It now matches the skylights and looks very smart.

1 comment:

rob said...

Wow you have been busy! its all coming togeather well! nice job.